Alegre Ramos is passionate about helping people live their best lives through the power of brain-scienced-based planning, productivity, and public speaking.
She believes it's important:
-To understand that being efficient is not the same as being effective
-To make time for what's important, and not just what's urgent
-To avoid burnout in all areas of your life by making self-care a daily habit
Host of two podcasts: BYWD's "Harness the Power of Planning" and Lief Labs' "Beyond the Supps", which personify her beliefs that “planning makes everything easier” and “health is wealth”.
Author of four books including the bestselling, time management book"3-2-1-Done: Three simple strategies to get your to-do list done!"( She has a diverse educational background including degrees in anthropology and business, and certificates in public speaking and sustainability.
Alegre’s entrepreneurial adventures began with a sustainable design practice founded in 2004. This was a natural outgrowth of her personal values as she gave up soda at 11, nail polish at 18 and hair chemicals at 20.
However, her life has not been a perfect upward trajectory in her quest for optimum health. At 21 she experienced her first bout of burn-out when she became seriously ill after exhausting herself with school/work, and surviving on sugary breakfast cereals and frozen pizzas. Thus began her interest innutrition and exercise. At 31 she was bedridden for months with a herniated L5/S1. After being told she'd never recover her full-range of motion, she embarked on a health journey that led her to a place of health, wellness and vibrancy that she previously had not known was possible.
Subscribe to my newsletter and get my 4-page printable on packing light (includes packing list and photos from my 1-month trip.)
An award-winning public speaker, she has over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship and over 35 in public speaking. She coaches an intimate number of entrepreneurs and executives on how to use brain science to become unforgettable speakers and speech writers.
She was hand-picked by top ten YouTube channel Howcast to write and host a 50-part video series on sustainable living and has written or been featured innumerous articles published in-print and on-line including the LA Times, The Huffington Post, and Apartment Therapy. She's appeared on CBS, the Discovery Channel, E!, KTLA, KCAL9 and Univision. An award-winning speaker, she has presented at events for the City of Los Angeles, UCLA, and the LA Green Festival to name a few.
BA: USC Summa Cum Laude, Ms. USC 1996
MBA: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
LEED AP: U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
DTM: Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmasters International
QS: Qualified Speaker with two different speaker bureaus
Subscribe to my newsletter and get my printable on starting an Emergency Preparedness Plan.
My Podcast and Many Interviews with BYWD
A Conversation About My Breastfeeding Journey
“Badass on Purpose” with Actress and Entrepreneur Kim Hawthorne
Alegre is an energetic and inspiring speaker who is available to travel. If you’d like her to keynote your next event, email the details using the link below. Thank you!
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